Take Back Your Life Links
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Inspirational quotes (https://wisdomquotes.com/attitude-quotes/)
A major contributor to another 25% of divorces: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/00224499.2018.1532488
Wikipedia page about the #1 porn star of the 1970s. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linda_Lovelace
WikiHow to deal with porn addiction (https://www.wikihow.com/Deal-With-Porn-Addiction)
Chapter 3
Drybar (www.drybarcomedy.com/)
Medical Study
Chapter 9
7 Best Time Tracking Apps 2024: (https://www.forbes.com/advisor/business/software/free-time-tracking-apps/)
The Screen Time Genie app
Forest App (https://www.forestapp.cc)
Calendly (https://calendly.com)
Connecteam (https://connecteam.com)
Sling (https://getsling.com)

Take Back Your Life
Michael Podolinsky
Regain control of your time and life. Learn specific action steps and practical methods for you to grow exponentially. Enjoy career success, balance in life, purpose, and prosperity. You may even acquire a deeper meaning to your life. I invested four years researching, verifying studies, reading 100-plus media accounts, stories, corresponding with professors, interviewing clients, top business professionals, and authors, all of which contributed to this work.